Mushrooms of the Alaskan temperate rainforest along the Battery Point trail in Haines, Alaska on a break from Yukon fieldwork.
Photo credit: Stephanie A. Rivest
Researchers record the behaviour of a Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) while it drinks nectar from the flowers of an Ocean Spray bush (Holodiscus discolor) in an oak savanna on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Photo credit: Kennedy Zwarych
Red-backed salamander on a zebra mussel podium attached to a unionid mussel.
Photo credit: Simon Thibodeau
Leptodiaptomus minutus (a lacustrine calanoid copepod) at different life stages: nauplii (bottom left), copepodite (bottom right) and adults (top). The mature female (top left) is seen carrying eggs, while the male 5th leg (used for identification) is visible, and both adults show accumulation of lipid droplets.
Photo credit: Alex Windsor
Fox kits playing near Churchill Manitoba.
Photo credit: Raul Verdecia
A radiation of palms from the genus Copernicia in Cuba.
Photo credit: Andrea Wishart
Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in spring snow outside Saskatoon, SK. Taken on an off-season hike.
Photo credit: Kendra Morgan
MSc student Briar Hunter performing an ultrasound on an endangered Oregon Spotted Frog to measure its follicular development in British Columbia.
Photo credit: Ken A. Thompson
A photo of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) species pair from Little Quarry Lake, British Columbia. A benthic female is above, and a limnetic female is below.
A shiver of whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) in Coiba National Park, Panama.
Photo credit: Justine Le Vaillant
Suivi au nichoir : hirondelle bicolore - Tachycineta bicolor.
Photo credit: Kevin Bruce
A sea palm (Postelsia palmaeformis) on the western coast of Vancouver Island.
Photo credit: Julie Messier
Sampling black spruce twigs, Petawawa Research Forest, June 2022.
Photo credit: Lina Aragon Baquero
Measuring gas exchange on a beech sampling. UWaterloo Biology Greenhouse.
Photo credit: Nicolás Peñafiel Loaiza
Nicolás Peñafiel Loaiza, Biology Ph.D. candidate at Memorial University of Newfoundland, next to a Parajubaea sunkha palm in the surroundings of Vallegrande, Bolivia. 'Sunkha' palms are endemic to Bolivia, where they occupy an extremely limited range and face several threats. Picture taken during a field trip in 2019 to visit wild stands of the palm. Part of Nicol�s' research focuses on the conservation genomics of Parajubaea palms in Bolivia.
Photo credit: Stephanie A. Rivest
An Eastern Pheobe (Sayornis phoebe) gathers materials for its nest while researchers look on near Dalesville, Quebec.
Photo credit: Danny McIsaac
DeKay's Brownsnake, Storeria dekayi. Walking the trail at Tommy Thompson Park where I saw several of these small snakes laying in the middle of the trail amongst small sticks. This one was very curious about my camera.
Photo credit: See previous photo
A photo of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) species pair from Paxton Lake, British Columbia. A benthic female is above, and a limnetic female is below.
Photo credit: Kevin Bruce
PhD student collecting data along the shoreline on the western coast of Vancouver Island.
Photo credit: Stephanie A. Rivest
A Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) caterpillar is spotted peaking over a Common Milkweed leaf (Asclepias syriaca) while researchers survey butterfly communities around Montreal, Quebec.
Photo credit: Victoria Marie Glynn
A close up shot of a cauliflower coral (Pocillopora spp.) from Coiba National Park, Panama. The coral's various polyps can be seen, emitting a blue-like fluorescence.
Photo credit: Cameron So
Imperilled Sundial lupine (Lupinus perennis) growing on Rice Lake Plains in Ontario, Canada.
Photo credit: Cameron So
Sunset by Lake Michigan. photo taken at Indiana Dunes National Park, one of the US National Park Services' newest national parks (2019).
Photo credit: Kristina Tietjen
Professor Julia K. Baum takes a tissue sample of a brain coral (Platygyra spp.) on Kiritimati (Christmas Island, Kiribati).
Photo credit: Victoria Marie Glynn
A cauliflower coral (Pocillopora spp.) colony in the Gulf of Panama, Panama, being photographed for morphological analyses. The yellow tag is the colony's unique identifier, and the color card is used to color correct the photographs, as things tend to look bluer than they actually are given water's refractive properties.
Photo credit: Justine Le Vaillant
Hirondelle bicolore m�le (Tachycineta bicolor).
Photo credit: Andrea Wishart
A very hungry caterpillar (unknown species) munching on leaves of a plant in the family Gunneraceae in the cloud forest of Ecuador near Yanayacu, Napo Province. This was taken during an undergradaute field course put on by Western University for the Ontario University Biology Program.
Photo credit: Briar Hunter
Two Oregon Spotted Frogs in amplexus in one of the conservation breeding populations in Canada.
Photo credit: Stephanie A. Rivest
Bright autumn colours of deciduous forests in Gatineau, Quebec including mostly Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), White Oak (Quercus alba) and Red Oak (Quercus rubra).
Photo credit: Sarah H. D. Santos
A thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli) and a ground squirrel (Spermophilus spp.) at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.
Photo credit: Victoria Marie Glynn
Coral reef in Saboga Island in the Gulf of Panama, Panama. The reef is mostly composed of Pocillopora spp. colonies, commonly known as cauliflower corals.
Photo credit: Stephanie A. Rivest
Researchers surveying butterfly communities around Ottawa, Ontario spot a non-native European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola) perched on a piece of grass.
Photo credit: Andrea Wishart
Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus) in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Alberta. These high-elevation rodents experience a very short active season and hibernate most of the year. Their ecophysiology is under study by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan.
Photo credit: Justin Benjamin
Monitoring Canada goose (Branta canadensis) nests in Wapusk National Park.
Photo credit: Julie Messier
A hand with spruce twigs painted on nails is holding a spruce twig.
Photo credit: Mathilde Salamon
Mathilde Salamon (PhD candidate, Derry lab at UQAM) is sampling zooplankton at the Station de biologie des Laurentides (Quebec) at the onset of winter. Calanoid copepods of the species Leptodiaptomus minutus were identified and their DNA extracted for genomic sequencing.
Photo credit: Danny McIsaac
Sudbury, Flower crab spider (Misumena vatia), Perched on a flower awaiting it's next bumblebee. University of Waterloo.
Photo credit: Justine Le Vaillant
Suivi des nichoirs d'hirondelles bicolores (Tachycineta bicolor) - champ agricole proche de Drummonville.
To advertise a job on this page, please send a copy of your ad in the body of an email or in a Word file to Véronique Connolly at
Postdoctoral fellowship position in limnology
20 February 2025
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow (PDF) to conduct research in limnology at the University of Regina. The successful candidate will work with Drs. Kerri Finlay and Peter Leavitt within theInstitute for Environmental Change and Society (IECS). IECS is a highly collaborative environment with research expertise in environmental sciences that houses state-of-the-art equipment for a range of water quality analyses. We are looking for a researcher who is interested in using the unique 30+ year Qu’Appelle long-term ecological research program (QU-LTER) to address limnological questions about the effects of climate- and land-use changes on aquatic ecosystem structure and function. We...
Graduate student positions in aquatic greenhouse gases and water quality
Grad Student
20 February 2025
We are seeking graduate students (MSc or PhD) to conduct research in limnology at the University of Regina. The positions will be held in theFinlay lab and the Institute for Environmental Change and Society (IECS) at the University of Regina. IECS is a highly collaborative environment with research expertise in environmental sciences that houses state-of-the-art equipment for a range of water quality analyses, and hosts the 30+ year long-term ecological research program (QU-LTER). Projects include: Aquatic methane dynamics: Aquatic ecosystems are known to contribute significantly to global methane emissions, but elevated salinity in lakes, ponds and wetlands of the northern...
Assistant Professor- Biology, Tenure-Track Faculty Position – Department of Biology, Saint Mary's University
20 February 2025
Deadline: March 17, 2025Department: BiologyType of Employment: Permanent, Full-TimeGroup Affiliation: SMUFUAt Saint Mary’s University, you will be surrounded by a talented and dedicated team of professionals committed to accessibility, diversity, and the provision of a positive and supportive learning environment. We recognize the importance of the contribution and growth of each individual in the University’s success. We are currently looking to fill the position of Assistant Professor (tenure track) to join our Biology Department.Job Information and ResponsibilitiesThe Department of Biology at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to...
Professeure régulière ou professeur régulier - Département des sciences de l'environnement (Écotoxicologie des milieux hydriques) - Campus de Trois-Rivières (E0414)
16 February 2025
DESCRIPTION DU POSTE Discipline : Écotoxicologie des milieux hydriques Fonctions : l’enseignement, la recherche, le service à la collectivité et la direction pédagogique Exigence : Détenir un doctorat en écologie, en chimie ou dans une discipline connexe; Détenir une expertise en écotoxicologie appliquée aux sciences de l’environnement; Avoir un excellent dossier de réalisations et de publications. Expérience : Maîtriser les outils en écotoxicologie environnementale afin d’intégrer cette expertise à la formation offerte aux étudiants de tous les cycles d’études; Posséder des aptitudes pédagogiques pour enseigner aux personnes étudiantes aux trois cycles d’études; Démontrer la capacité à produire de la recherche...
Professeure régulière ou professeur régulier - Département des sciences de l'environnement (Écologie moléculaire et évolutive) - Campus de Trois-Rivières (E0140)
16 February 2025
DESCRIPTION DU POSTE Discipline : Écologie moléculaire et évolutive Fonctions : l’enseignement, la recherche, le service à la collectivité et la direction pédagogique Exigence : Détenir un doctorat en écologie ou dans une discipline connexe; Détenir une expertise en écologie moléculaire et/ou biologie de l’évolution; Avoir un excellent dossier de réalisations et de publications. Expérience : Maîtriser les outils de biologie moléculaire afin d’intégrer cette expertise à la formation offerte aux étudiants de tous les cycles d’études; Posséder des aptitudes pédagogiques pour enseigner aux personnes étudiantes aux trois cycles d’études; Démontrer la capacité à produire de la recherche de haut...
Regular Professor - Department of Environmental Sciences (Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology) - Trois-Rivières Campus (E0140)
13 February 2025
Discipline: Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology Functions: teaching, research, community service and instructional leadership Requirements: Hold a Ph.D. in ecology or a related discipline. Have expertise in molecular ecology and/or evolutionary biology. Possess an outstanding track record of achievements and publications. Experience: Master molecular biology tools to integrate this expertise into the training provided to students at all academic levels. Have strong teaching skills to instruct students at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Demonstrate the ability to conduct high-level research and develop a research program in molecular ecology and evolutionary biology. Show potential for developing internal, national, and international collaborations....
Regular Professor - Department of Environmental Sciences (Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Environments) - Trois-Rivières Campus (E0414)
13 February 2025
Discipline: Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Environments Functions: teaching, research, community service and instructional leadership Requirements: Hold a Ph.D. in ecology, chemistry, or a related discipline Have expertise in ecotoxicology applied to environmental sciences. Possess an outstanding track record of achievements and publications. Experience: Master environmental ecotoxicology tools to integrate this expertise into the training provided to students at all academic levels. Have strong teaching skills to instruct students at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Demonstrate the ability to conduct high-level research and develop a research program related to ecotoxicology applied to environmental sciences, aquatic environments, and wetlands. Show potential for...
Other positions
13 February 2025
The Department of Biology at Mount Allison University invites applications for two full-time positions (Position A and Position B, both are sabbatical replacements). One position will be appointed for a 9-month sessional and one for a 12-month term. Applicants to either position should possess a Ph.D. by the time of appointment with specialization relevant to the position they are applying to (see below), have a strong commitment to and experience in undergraduate teaching, and be strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity in post-secondary institutions. POSITION A: We are seeking someone to co-teach Foundations of Biology (BIOL 1001), and to...
MSc/PhD opportunity in forest ecology
Grad Student
12 February 2025
The Vanderwel lab at the University of Regina is looking to recruit a highly motivated individual for an MSc or PhD project investigating the influence of climatic aridity on the dynamics of standing dead trees. In recent decades, increases in aridity have caused region-wide losses of forest carbon across western Canada as moisture stress has both reduced forest productivity and increased tree mortality. These effects of climate change are particularly strong within the Prairie region, where high summer moisture deficits pose a major challenge to drought-sensitive tree species. A better understanding of how tree mortality is related to moisture in...
Two graduate student positions at the PhD or MSc level
Grad Student
1 February 2025
WILDLIFE EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY in a CHANGING WORLD Graduate school is a formative moment. For many of us it represents a time of intellectual and personal growth that helps us go onto achieve our personal and professional goals. Our research opportunities, our community, and the geography in which we choose to study shape our growth and trajectories. The Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab is a diverse and inclusive research community located Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Our lab occurs on the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq peoples, and our projects span a myriad of traditional Lands across Canada. We...
Assistant Professor of Biology, Full-Time 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), Tenure-Track
1 February 2025
Canadian Mennonite University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in Biology. The successful candidate will work with faculty to develop a growing undergraduate science program, which is an integral part of all our undergraduate degree paths. We seek individuals who love to teach in the classroom and laboratory, inviting students to be creative and rigorous in formulating and answering scientific questions. Our small department values the ability to teach a breadth of courses and encourages students to consider interdisciplinary connections within and outside the natural sciences. The ideal candidate will be prepared to draw on a strong record...
Migratory bird movements and fitness in urban areas
Grad Student
26 January 2025
Proposed research: Urban green spaces and forests have the potential to serve an important role in supporting biodiversity in the landscape, particularly to vagile species such as birds. These are novel ecosystems composed of a complex mix of native and non-native species, with tree planting often driven by factors such as aesthetic and cultural preferences, nursery availability, and ability to withstand urban stressors, rather than biodiversity conservation. Most research on birds within urban ecosystems has focused on the breeding season, creating a seasonal bias. An emerging and exciting topic within urban ornithology is identifying how birds use or move through...
Grad Student
24 January 2025
Impacts de bris de connectivité aquatique sur les réseaux trophiques terrestre-aquatique La chaire de recherche sur les échanges entre les écosystèmes (CREE) recherche un.e étudiant.e pour un projet de doctorat portant sur les impacts combinés d’une perte de connectivité écologique en milieu aquatique et d’une altération concomitante de la zone riparienne sur le couplage entre l’écosystème terrestre et aquatique. Ces impacts inclus notamment les effets sur la diète des poissons, le fonctionnement des écosystèmes ainsi que sur la chaîne trophique aquatique et terrestre via l’utilisation de méthodes moléculaires (ex : signature lipidique ou isotopique). Les concepts clés d’intérêt pour ce...
PhD opportunity (Fall 2025)
Grad Student
23 January 2025
Impacts of aquatic connectivity loss on terrestrial-aquatic food webs The Research Chair on Cross-Ecosystem Linkages (CREE) is looking to recruit a PhD candidate interested in working on the combined impacts of a loss of ecological connectivity in streams and a concomitant alteration of the riparian zone on the coupling between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These impacts include the effects on fish diet, ecosystem functioning as well as on the aquatic and terrestrial food webs via the use of molecular methods (e.g. lipid or isotopic signature). The key concepts of interest for this project are related to meta-ecosystems, meta-communities, cross-ecosystem...
Open graduate student positions in Evolutionary Ecology and Plant Diversity
Grad Student
23 January 2025
The Gagnon Lab in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph seeks M.Sc. and Ph.D. students with interests in evolutionary ecology and biogeography/population genetics, and plant biodiversity. Our research group is interested in describing and understanding the origin of plant diversity, to foster an understanding of how plants adapt to different environments. Currently, the lab is focusing on the genus Solanum, a globally distributed group of 1250 species that contains 3 major crops, 21 minor crops, and their wild relatives. We are particularly interested in understanding the adaptation of wild species in this group to different environmental...
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science - Assistant Professor, Biopharma and Animal Physiology
22 January 2025
Tenure Track Stream, Position #: 20104 Acadia University acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw Nation. This land is governed by the treaties of Peace and Friendship, first signed by the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey, Peskotomuhkatiyik, and the British Crown in 1726. These treaties did not implicate or affirm the surrender or transfer of land to the British, but recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey title and set the rules for what was to be a long-standing relationship between nations. As an educational institution, we are continually learning more about how we can deeply engage and move...
PhD opportunity:
Grad Student
16 January 2025
Thermal ecology and responses to global change in native bees and wasps (co-supervised by Dr. Ilona Naujokaitis-Lewis, Environment & Climate Change Canada, and Dr. Jessica Forrest, University of Ottawa) We seek applications from highly motivated and qualified candidates for a funded PhD position in the Department of Biology at the University of Ottawa, Canada. We are looking for a candidate to lead research on the responses of native bees and other beneficial insects, such as solitary hunting wasps, to their thermal environments under climate change. The candidate will build on research conducted jointly by Dr. JF and Dr. INL on...
Research assistant to help establish a field camp to study Arctic-nesting geese in Nunavut
Other positions
13 January 2025
Description: I am seeking a research assistant to help establish a field camp at Anderson Bay on Victoria Island, Nunavut, Canada to study the population ecology of lesser snow geese and Ross’s geese. I anticipate the research assistant will plan all aspects of the field season, including logistics (e.g., equipment and food orders) and experimental design. There also will be opportunities to study other Arctic ecosystem components, such as sea ducks. This is a new camp but a continuation of data collection that started at the Karrak Lake research station in 1991, thus we anticipate similar protocols will be used...
PhD studentship: University of Saskatchewan
Grad Student
13 January 2025
Quantifying the cost of migration across a life history gradient in birds Description: A PhD studentship is available with Dr. Mitch Weegman in the Department of Biology at the University of Saskatchewan ( The student will use state-of-the-art tracking devices deployed on thousands of ducks, geese and shorebirds in Europe and North America to test long-standing hypotheses about the cost of bird migration. Our project goals are to quantify the extent to which features of migration, including reverse migration and long-distance movements, explain variation in subsequent survival and reproductive success in ducks, geese and shorebirds. We anticipate the PhD student...
Tenure Track Position in Environmental Molecular Biology
7 January 2025
Located in downtown Toronto, the largest and most culturally diverse city in Canada and on the territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples, the Department of Chemistry and Biology in the Faculty of Science at Toronto Metropolitan University [] (formerly Ryerson University) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2025. We are seeking an Environmental (Molecular) Biologist or Molecular/Systems Biologist with research emphasis on anthropogenic impacts at a molecular level to join our Department and advance our understanding of organisms and/or ecosystems through innovative approaches in molecular biology, genomics, multi-omics,...
Tenure Track Position in Community and/or Ecosystem Ecology
7 January 2025
Located in downtown Toronto, the largest and most culturally diverse city in Canada and on the territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples, the Department of Chemistry and Biology in the Faculty of Science at Toronto Metropolitan University [] (formerly Ryerson University) invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2025 subject to final budgetary approval. We seek a forward-thinking researcher committed to tackling critical ecological challenges in any subdiscipline of community or ecosystem ecology, broadly defined. This may include, but is not limited to the following research areas: modeling...
Grad Student
7 January 2025
We are recruiting a PhD student to join a large multidisciplinary project on marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) funded under the Transforming Climate Action program ( of the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. The candidate will be supervised by Professor Anna Metaxas, in the Department of Oceanography at Dalhousie University, who leads a vibrant group of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The PhD project will focus on carbon transport between kelp beds and the deep sea, using a combination of field work and modelling. The project aims to quantify kelp loss and...
Postdoctoral Position: Spatial patterning and ecological resilience across the tundra biome
7 January 2025
Application deadline: February 15, 2025 Location: Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada Project Overview There is an urgent need to understand the effects that global change can have on the Earth, its system components and ecosystems. One area of critical concern is the imminent abrupt and irreversible critical transitions of ecosystems through tipping points. Recent discoveries suggest that spatial pattern formation within ecosystems can enhance resilience, potentially averting or reversing these tipping points. As part of the ERC-Synergy project Pathways of Resilience and Evasion of Tipping in Ecosystems (RESILIENCE), we...
Postdoctoral Position: Plant phenology change over time across spatial scales
7 January 2025
Application deadline: February 15, 2025 Location: Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada Project Overview Climate change is significantly impacting tundra ecosystems, and one of the critical consequences is the shift in plant phenology - the timing of key life events such as growth and reproduction. In Arctic and alpine tundra, phenological events are highly temperature-sensitive, and changes in the timing of spring green-up, as well as the length of growing seasons, can lead to altered plant composition and, consequently, affect wildlife habitats. In particular, warming temperatures could result in the...
Graduate Student Position – Mule Deer Epigenetics
Grad Student
6 January 2025
We are recruiting a fully-funded MSc or PhD student to study the epigenomics of mule deer in Wyoming. The student will take advantage of hundreds of mule deer samples to build epigenetic clocks and study variation in mule deer aging. Depending on interest and expertise, project flexibility exists where the student can explore variation in age estimates from longitudinal sampling or how stressors impact rates of aging. Students will have the flexibility to adapt the project to their interests and the opportunity to collaborate and work with our partners in Wyoming. Location: The student will join the lab group of...
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Waterloo
21 December 2024
About the project The Alberta Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting project seeks to enhance wetland monitoring and management in Alberta through rigorous scientific analysis and collaboration. The postdoctoral fellow will conduct a literature review to create a DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact, Response) conceptual model for Alberta’s wetlands, identifying key drivers and pressures affecting wetland conditions, including consideration of western science and Indigenous knowledge systems. They will perform a geospatial assessment of Alberta’s wetlands, monitoring sites, and regulatory datasets to identify gaps in current programs and recommend improvements. Additionally, the fellow will critically review wetland indicators used in other jurisdictions and...
Grad Student
18 December 2024
I am looking for multiple MSc and PhD students to join my research team at The University of British Columbia (Okanagan Campus) to take part in studies investigating the genomic basis of adaptation to environmental change and exploring ways in which this information may be harnessed for conservation of various mammal, reptile and fish species-at-risk. The project offers opportunities for both laboratory and field-based research, and direct collaboration with Provincial, Federal and Indigenous management agencies. Individuals with a population genetics background, bioinformatics experience and strong analytical skills are especially encouraged to apply. Visit the Ecological and Conservation Genomics laboratory website...
FULLY FUNDED MSc (or PhD) position – Tailgate environmental DNA (eDNA) sequencing methods development in Alberta’s prairie pothole region
Grad Student
18 December 2024
Ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, land use, and resource extraction. Reliable, up-to-date data on species distributions, community composition, and invasive/rare species are needed for informed ecosystem management. While this is a hurdle for remote ecosystems, eDNA techniques offer a solution. eDNA is studied using water sampling or other methods to collect DNA and cells shed into the environment by the organisms that inhabit it, allowing the non-invasive detection of the species present in the ecosystem. In-field eDNA methods development will enable field crews to rapidly adjust their sampling approach without having to return to the ecosystem when the...
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Transforming Climate Action – Uncertain Seas
11 December 2024
A Postdoctoral Fellowship is available at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Fisheries & Marine Institute, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, Canada.Transforming Climate Action is a seven year, $397 million collaboration among Dalhousie University, Laval University, University Québec at Rimouski, and Memorial University. The largest research theme within Transforming Climate Action is Reducing Uncertainties in Carbon Cycling in the Northwest Atlantic Seas (Uncertain Seas). The goal of Uncertain Seas is to better constrain the role of the ocean in the Earth’s climate system by reducing uncertainties with physical and biogeochemical processes that control the global ocean carbon cycle. The focus...
Conservation Scientist – Research Priorities, Partnerships & Monitoring
Other positions
11 December 2024
Who You Are You are a scientist who has a passion for research and the environment and want to work towards a greater good by contributing to a diverse team. You understand that your success is only as good as the whole, and you contribute in a humble way while thinking big, for example by being the key lead on developing an interdisciplinary research plan that includes community science as well as partnering with universities, colleges and other institutions. You have high expectations for yourself and your work and a healthy appetite for risk and experimentation while willing to learn...
MSc/PhD position: Ecotoxicology of Farmland birds in Prairie Canada
Grad Student
10 December 2024
Location: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Application deadl:ne: January 31 2025 or as soon as suitable candidate found Start date: Position available to start asap ideally by May 2025 (Sept 2025 is possible for some projects but funding is available to start as soon as possible). Duration: 2+ years MSc or 4+ years PhD from start date in 2025. Min 2 positions available Funding: MSc $24K/year (domestic) for 28 months; PhD 25K/year for 52 months plus opportunity to receive scholarships or TAing. Description: We are seeking 2 or 3 talented students to conduct research addressing questions about farmland bird...
Four PhD Scholarships, Transforming Climate Action – Uncertain Seas
Grad Student
10 December 2024
Four PhD Scholarships are available at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Fisheries & Marine Institute<>, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, Canada.Transforming Climate Action<> is a seven year, $397 million collaboration among Dalhousie University, Laval University, University Québec at Rimouski, and Memorial University. The largest research theme within Transforming Climate Action is Reducing Uncertainties in Carbon Cycling in the Northwest Atlantic Seas (Uncertain Seas). The goal of Uncertain Seas is to better constrain the role of the ocean in the Earth’s climate system by reducing uncertainties with physical and biogeochemical processes that control the global ocean carbon cycle. The focus...
MSc opportunity, Quantitative Polar Bear Ecology, Global Change Biology, and Ecosystem Dynamics
Grad Student
8 December 2024
MSc Project Opportunity The Desforges Lab in Ecotoxicology and Wildlife Stress at the University of Winnipeg is excited to advertise for a MSc opportunity in the area of Quantitative Polar Bear Ecology, Global Change Biology, and Ecosystem Dynamics. We are looking for a motivated MSc student to work on a project focused on polar bear and ringed seal teeth analysis starting May or September 2025. The successful candidate will use digital image analysis to measure annual growth layer groups in polar bear and ringed seal teeth and apply statistical models to explore relationships with biological data collected from each animal...
Grad Student
2 December 2024
Research Group: Aquatic and Insect Ecology and Evolution lab; PI: Dr. Michelle Tseng, Biodiversity Research Centre, Departments of Botany and Zoology, University of British Columbia Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada Start date: September 2025 Duration: 4 years Number of positions: 2 Description: Butterflies have become model organisms for studying population and community responses to warming temperatures and habitat change. Butterflies are ecologically and culturally significant and landscapes with diverse butterfly communities often support other beneficial wildlife. This PhD position investigates the combined effects of climate change and introduced plants on butterfly ecology and conservation in British Columbia. Data sources will include...
Grad Student
26 November 2024
Location: Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario Start Date: May or September, 2025 Duration: 4 years Opportunity Description: Join our team in the Bonier Lab ( at Queen’s University as we seek to better understand how and why urbanization impacts biodiversity. PhD students will work with Dr. Bonier to develop research that fits under this broad umbrella, but suits the student’s interests, career goals, and passion. Especially seeking students who would like to make use of the amazing dataset we are currently compiling as part of our Global Urban Bird Survey. PhD students in our lab often conduct large scale comparative analyses...
MSc candidates (6), Biocontrol, Biodiversity, and Pest Management, Acadia University
Grad Student
26 November 2024
We are currently seeking candidates for multiple MSc positions to conduct research on development of a biocontrol and integrated pest management strategy for invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Currently positions have flexible start dates within the next 9 months. Successful applicants will work with a team of researchers based at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, with Natural Resources – Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, NB, as well as other academic institutions, and federal/provincial agencies. MSc candidates (6) are being recruited for the following sub projects: Characterization of insecticide exposure and impacts on soil biological communities in Hemlock forests (1MSc).. Investigating sublethal...
Other positions
25 November 2024
The School of Environmental Science (EVSC) invites applications for a full-time continuing teaching faculty position at the rank of Lecturer in Environmental Science. The tentative start date for this position is July 1, 2025.
Simon Fraser University respectfully acknowledges the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose unceded traditional territories our three campuses reside.
Click here for more information.
Assistant Professor, Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Science and kihêw waciston, MacEwan University
25 November 2024
The Department of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Science, in partnership with kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre, invites applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, commencing July 1, 2025, subject to final budgetary approval. In this appointment, you will be cross-appointed to kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre during the initial three years in the position, with potential for renewal. MacEwan is seeking an individual with lived Indigenous experiences who is grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing. As MacEwan University’s Indigenous Centre, kihêw waciston offers personal, academic, financial, and cultural support for...
PhD Position: The effects of glyphosate-based herbicide on the populations and physiology of mammals in a forest food web
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Location: Prince George, BC, Canada Start date: May or September 2025 Duration: 3-4 years Opportunity description: Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are applied extensively throughout Canada by several industrial sectors to promote the growth of commercial crop species, to protect infrastructure, and to maintain sight lines. Recent evidence from laboratory studies has identified links between the ingestion of GBHs and adverse health effects in mammals, including anxiety-like behavior, gut inflammation, and changes to metabolic responses. Despite potential health effects, little is known about the effects of widespread glyphosate application on the health, physiology, and population abundance of free-roaming mammals. Accordingly, this PhD...
Phd Position: The effects of glyphosate-based herbicide on the populations and physiology of mammals in a forest food web
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Location: Prince George, BC, Canada
Start date: May or September 2025
Duration: 3-4 years
Click here for more information.
PhD Position in Life Cycle Assessment of Urban Agricultural Practices
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Sustainable Research Management Lab, Department of Geography and Environment Western University London, Ontario, Canada Research Overview: Motivated PhD candidate needed for innovative research on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in urban and peri-urban agriculture. The candidate will collaborate with, and build on, field data collection in and around Toronto. The ToSustain project, led by Dr. Issac at UofT Scarborough, brings together an interdisciplinary team, recruiting over 14 graduate students to investigate how urban agriculture can contribute to net-zero cities and agriculture. This position will allow the candidate to: Develop specialized GHG accounting models for urban agriculture Construct scenarios for a diversity...
PhD or MSc Position in Nutrient Dynamics of Urban Agricultural Practices
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Sustainable Research Management Lab, Department of Geography and Environment Western University London, Ontario, Canada Research Overview: Motivated graduate student candidate needed for exciting research on nutrient flows in urban agriculture. The project aims to understand and mitigate nutrient losses while supporting the resilience of food, water, and waste systems in a changing climate. The successful candidate will: Design and implement in-garden and controlled field water monitoring techniques Collect primary data on phosphorus and nitrogen losses and process them in the lab Focus on temporal dynamics of nutrient losses under climate change Funding Details: Approximately $23,000-33,000 annual funding via: Teaching assistantship...
PhD or MSc Position Foraging Risks and Opportunities and Urban Indigenous Food Sovereignty
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Sustainable Research Management Lab, Department of Geography and Environment Western University London, Ontario, Canada Research Overview: Motivated graduate student (Master’s or PhD) needed for impactful research on environmental health and Indigenous food sovereignty. The candidate will collaborate with the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) to investigate food security, traditional food systems, and environmental contamination risks. The larger project is led by Prof. Chantelle Richmond, and specific research questions and direction will be set in collaboration with community members. This position will likely allow the candidate to do one or many of the following: Assess environmental contamination risks in...
Funded MSc (or PhD) positions in the Ecology of Species Range Margins (Amphibians)
Grad Student
21 November 2024
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay The Ectotherm Ecology and Evolution lab, led by Dr. Adam Algar, at Lakehead University invites applications for a MSc student (PhD applications will also be considered) to start in September 2025. Our research group uses field studies, laboratory experiments, and macroecological and evolutionary modelling to understand the environmental factors and eco-evolutionary processes limiting species distributions, with an emphasis on amphibians. For more information on the lab, visit the website ( and Instagram feed (@ectoecoevo). The successful applicant will have the opportunity to develop their own specific questions and hypotheses in line with the lab’s research themes....
Assistant Professor with expertise in Plant Biodiversity and Evolution,
21 November 2024
Lakehead UniversityFaculty of Science and Environmental StudiesDepartment of Biology
Click here for more information.
Assistant Professor with expertise in Environmental Microbiology
21 November 2024
Lakehead UniversityFaculty of Science and Environmental StudiesDepartment of Biology
Click here for more information.
Assistant Professor with expertise in Cellular Metabolism and Animal Energetics
21 November 2024
Lakehead UniversityFaculty of Science and Environmental StudiesDepartment of Biology
Click here for more information.
EEB Postdoctoral Fellowship
28 February 2024
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the St. George campus of the University of Toronto invites applications for a Departmental Postdoctoral Fellowship. Area of Research: Ecology and/or Evolution Description of duties: We encourage applications from highly motivated postdoctoral fellows with broad interests in ecology and evolutionary biology. The Fellow may collaborate with a single or multiple advisors on research in ecology and evolution. To facilitate interactions within the department, the Fellow will co-organize a seminar series in the first year and organize a workshop on a topic related to the Fellow’s interest for graduate students, postdocs and faculty...