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Assistant Director, Atlantic Canada Conservation Centre - Centre de données sur la conservation du Canada atlantique

Other positions
20 October 2024
Reports To Executive Director & Senior Scientist Type / Duration Full time, permanent. One-year probationary period Location Sackville, New Brunswick, at AC CDC office Salary Range $75,150 to $91,850 / year Vacation 3 weeks; additional week at 5 years service Benefits Generous medical & dental insurance, cost 70% paid by employer; Group life & long-term disability insurance Start Date November 15, 2024 Application Deadline November 01, 2024 Job Purpose The Assistant Director will play a key role in the strategic development and oversight of the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (AC CDC), contributing to the AC CDC’s mission of compiling...

Spécialiste des données biologiques

Other positions
15 October 2024
Biodiversité Québec recherche un.e spécialiste des données pour analyser, synthétiser et modéliser des données biologiques issues du Réseau de Suivi du MELCCFP, en contexte de changements climatiques. Le poste implique la collaboration avec une équipe pluridisciplinaire, la communication et la mise en valeur des résultats issus des analyses et des modélisations. Le poste est basé à Sherbrooke, avec des déplacements réguliers à Québec. Vous êtes intéressé.e à postuler? Consultez la description complète ici et n’hésitez pas à partager : https://biodiversite-quebec.ca/fr/opportunites/job_offer_data_specialist_in_biology.

Assistant Professor in Data-Driven Modelling for Ecology and Water Conservation, Faculty of Science

15 October 2024
Location: Main Campus We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. The City of Calgary is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Districts 5 and 6. Position Description Position ParametersThe Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor focusing on Data-Driven Modelling for Ecology and Water Conservation. The successful candidate will be appointed in one of the Departments in the Faculty of Science, depending on specific expertise and candidate preference. The anticipated start date is July 1,...


Grad Student
12 October 2024
Jon Mee and Sam Yeaman (co-supervised)Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary We are seeking to recruit an MSc student with an interest in conducting field work, an interest in fish husbandry, and a solid foundation in population genetics and quantitative methods. The MSc will work on the following project: The genetic basis of parallel adaptation. Our labs have collected data on several complementary systems and we have developed theory that collectively provide insights into the repeatability and redundancy of the genetic basis of adaptation. In brook stickleback, we have found that different genes underlie spine reduction in different populations,...

Associate Director, University of Virginia’s Mountain Lake Biological Station

Other positions
9 October 2024
The University of Virginia’s Mountain Lake Biological Station (MLBS) invites applications for an Associate Director. MLBS (MLBS.org) is a residential field station located on 600 acres in the Appalachian Mountains of southwestern Virginia, approximately 3 hours from the University grounds in Charlottesville. The Station hosts a wide variety of research, teaching, and educational programs. The Associate Director will hold a General Faculty position in the Department of Biology. The Associate Director provides executive administrative support for the teaching and research missions of MLBS, including directing our long running NSF-REU program, supervising staff and day-to-day station operations, technical support of equipment...

Probationary Teaching Scholar Position in Scientific Methods in Biology

Other positions
8 October 2024
Western university invites applications for a Probationary Teaching Scholar Position in Scientific Methods in Biology. Please access the complete advertisement for the position and application details through this link: https://www.uwo.ca/facultyrelations/careers/pdf/Advertisement-Teaching-Scholar-in-Scientific-Methods-_Biology_2024.pdf

Assistant Professor, Ecology, Mount Royal University

7 October 2024
About MRU Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant college in the 1930s and became a mid-sized university in 2009. Today, Mount Royal offers 14 bachelor degrees and 38 majors, along with a wide range of diploma and certificate options. It boasts a diverse community with nearly 16,000 credit students, more than 5,500 non-credit students and about 1,700 employees. As a student-focused undergraduate university built on teaching excellence, Mount Royal is known for its top-calibre programs, high-quality teaching and learning experience, robust delivery of liberal education, scholarly teaching, experiential learning and...

PhD Opportunity: Weaving Knowledges in Moose Ecology

Grad Student
6 October 2024
The WISE Lab (University of Guelph) and Northrup Lab (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources) are looking for a PhD candidate to work with us and several First Nations partners in Northwestern Ontario to weave knowledges in moose ecology. This research is part of a highly collaborative effort to better understand and protect moose populations, and will include a combination of field work, community knowledge gathering, outreach and relationship building, and supporting the development of better, more inclusive policy related to moose management. For more information or to apply, reach out to Claire Kemp (project manager, ckemp01@uoguelph.ca), Dr. Jesse Popp (WISE...

Offre de projet de doctorat : Restauration de tourbières minérotrophes (fens) à l’échelle du paysage

Grad Student
3 October 2024
Programme : PhD en biologie végétaleSupervision : Line Rochefort / Mélina Guêné-NanchenLieu : Université Laval (Québec, QC)Début : dès que possibleBourse d’étude : 35 000 $ / année + possibilité de compléments allant jusqu’à 10 000 $ Description du projet : Depuis les années 1990, le Groupe de recherche en écologie des tourbières (GRET) a mis au point une méthode de restauration adaptée aux tourbières ombrotrophes après l’extraction de la tourbe. Cependant, pour les tourbières minérotrophes (fens), où les conditions de la tourbe sont plus riches, cette approche ne convient pas, car elle ne favorise pas le retour d’un écosystème dominé...

PhD OFFER - Restoration of minerotrophic peatlands (fens) at the landscape scale

Grad Student
3 October 2024
Program: PhD in Plant BiologySupervisors: Line Rochefort / Mélina Guêné-NanchenLocation: Université Laval (Quebec City, QC)Starting date: As soon as possibleStipend: $35,000 per year + possibility of supplements of up to $10,000 Project Description: Since the 1990s, the Peatland Ecology Research Group (PERG) has developed a restoration method tailored to ombrotrophic peatlands (bogs) after peat extraction. However, for minerotrophic peatlands (fens), where peat conditions are richer, this approach is not suitable as it does not promote the return of an ecosystem dominated by sedges and mosses. Given the complexity of the hydrological context of fens, a landscape-scale restoration approach is envisioned,...

Stage postdoctoral disponible en connectivité spatiale et démographique des caribous, Université Laval, Québec (Canada)

1 October 2024
Dans le cadre du programme de recherche Caribou Ungava (www.caribou-ungava.ca), nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) stagiaire postdoctoral(e) intéressé(e) à s’impliquer dans un projet portant sur la génomique des populations des différents écotypes de caribous au Québec et au Labrador. Les grands troupeaux de caribous migrateurs au nord du Québec et au Labrador ont fortement diminué ces dernières années et les causes de ce déclin sont encore mal comprises. La plupart des populations de caribous forestiers et montagnards sont également dans un état précaire. Nous souhaitons mieux comprendre l’histoire évolutive des populations de caribous ainsi que leur connectivité démographique et...

Post-doctoral position available in spatial and demographic connectivity of caribou, Université Laval, Québec (Canada)

1 October 2024
As part of the Caribou Ungava research program (www.caribou-ungava.ulaval.ca), we are seeking a postdoctoral candidate interested in working on the population genomics of the different ecotypes of caribou in Québec and Labrador. The large herds of migratory caribou in northern Quebec and Labrador have sharply declined in recent years and the causes of decline are still not well understood. Most populations of boreal and mountain caribou are also in a precarious state. We are interested in better understanding the evolutionary history of the caribou populations and the demographic and genetic connectivity among them. We aim to compare gene flow between...

MSc Opportunity: Weaving Ways of Knowing in Moose Ecology with Batchewana First Nation

Grad Student
24 September 2024
The Ndaakendaaswen Gamig Lab & WISE Lab at the University of Guelph are looking for a MSc student to work in partnership with Batchewana First Nation to support moose ecology research that weaves together Indigenous and Western ways of knowing. This work will involve a combination of knowledge gathering and moose monitoring within Batchewana First Nation (BFN), working closely with the BFN Natural Resources Department to ensure alignment with community values and priorities. MSC WILL INVOLVE : Working with Batchewana First Nation (BFN) to identify and monitor important moose habitat Participating in field work related to moose monitoring, including in...

Offre de doctorat: Migration assistée et communautés végétales - de la facilitation à la compétition

Grad Student
20 September 2024
La mésadaptation potentielle des arbres face au climat projeté pose un risque considérable pour les forêts et les services qu’elles procurent. La migration assistée est un des outils considérés pour pallier cette situation, visant à déplacer des populations ou essences d’arbres vers des zones où le climat actuel et projeté devrait être plus favorable. Bien que ces arbres migrés entrent nécessairement en interaction avec d’autres espèces déjà présentes, ces dynamiques restent méconnues.Ce projet vise donc à mieux comprendre le rôle potentiel des interactions interspécifiques, tant de facilitation que de compétition, dans le succès de la migration assistée. À l’aide de...

Assistant or Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 (Biodiversity Conservation)

16 September 2024
About the Position Field of Specialization: Biodiversity Conservation Academic Unit: Biology Category of Appointment: Preliminary (tenure-track)/tenured Rank/Position Title: Assistant or Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 Start Date: July 1, 2026 Closing Date: Consideration of candidates will begin on October 15, 2024. Carleton University’s Faculty of Science invites applications from qualified candidates for a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) position in the Department of Biology, focused on Landscape Ecology for Biodiversity Conservation. We encourage applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in biology with experience in mentoring students from such groups....

PHD position in entomology, restoration ecology and biodiversity: Biodiversity and health of pollinating insects on restored mining sites in the boreal region

Grad Student
12 September 2024
Project description: Nested in the boreal forest, restored and revegetated mine tailings sites are open sites covered with flowering plants that can provide interesting habitats for many pollinating insects such as hoverflies, butterflies, bees and bumblebees. Reclamation using appropriate cover systems to contain mine tailings aims to control contamination of these sites prior to revegetation. However, it is questionable whether this reclamation will guarantee healthy habitats for the reestablishment of diverse insect communities. Pollinating insects are considered effective bioindicators of ecosystem health, due to their sensitivity to environmental stresses. The research project will take place on reclaimed mine tailings sites...

Opportunité de doctorat en entomologie, végétalisation des sites miniers et biodiversité

Grad Student
12 September 2024
Biodiversité et santé des insectes pollinisateurs sur sites miniers végétalisés avec des plantes à fleurs agronomiques en région boréale Description du projet : Nichés dans la forêt boréale, les parcs à résidus miniers restaurés et végétalisés constituent des sites ouverts avec des plantes à fleurs qui peuvent fournir des habitats intéressants pour plusieurs insectes pollinisateurs comme les syrphes, les papillons, les abeilles et les bourdons. La restauration avec des techniques appropriées de confinement des rejets miniers vise à contrôler la contamination de ces sites avant végétalisation. Cependant, on se demande si cette restauration garantit des habitats sains pour le développement...

M.Sc. project in PLANT ECOLOGY (Forest edges)

Grad Student
11 September 2024
I am looking for an accomplished and motivated M.Sc. student to study the impact of harvest roads on nearby vegetation structure and wildlife habitat in Acadian forest in Nova Scotia. The fully-funded two-year project would begin in 2025 in the Masters in Applied Science program at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S. Connectivity for wildlife depends on habitat or vegetation structure, which can be impacted by edge influence from roads. The recent transition from clearcutting to an Ecological Forestry model in Nova Scotia requires more frequent harvesting interventions, which may increase the footprint of the road network. Vegetation next to road...

One-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Applied Aquatic Community Ecology and Paleolimnology in Boreal Waters

6 September 2024
The Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit (CFEU) at the Vale Living With Lakes Centre (LWLC) is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Fellow to lead peer-reviewed research products addressing pure and applied information regarding community response to environmental change in boreal aquatic ecosystems. This research will tackle pressing environmental concerns from some of the world’s longest running continuous water quality monitoring programs. This position will involve significant autonomy, and the candidate will help to develop future research areas. The successful candidate must have completed a PhD in a relevant area of study, have a demonstrated ability to publish peer-reviewed research, and possess...

Assistant Professor (Marine Ecology)

6 September 2024
The Biology Department in the College of Science and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Boston seeks to hire an Assistant Professor in the field of Marine Ecology to begin September 1, 2025. Successful candidates will be expected to undertake externally funded research in marine ecology defined broadly and to satisfy important teaching needs of the Department of Biology in ecology, zoology, conservation biology, and/or evolution. Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent degree and relevant postdoctoral research experience. The Assistant Professor hired for this position will direct the research of students at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, interact...

Multiple PhD and MSc opportunities available for CRADLES: Conservation and Restoration of Aquatic Diversity in the face of Legacy and Emerging Stressors

Grad Student
6 September 2024
In response to the United Nations call to action to restore the productive capacity of degraded ecosystems and to help halt continued global biodiversity losses, we have initiated a collaborative, multi-institutional research network aimed at developing novel, holistic approaches for biodiversity assessment in freshwater systems and their surrounding catchments. These will be used to establish restoration targets, evaluate the benefits of pollution control, and help inform the creation of networks of protected areas. We are currently seeking 2 PhD and 3 MSc domestic students (i.e. Canadian citizens or permanent residents). Students will be hosted at Lakehead University (M. Rennie) or...

PhD position in population genomics and abundance estimation via the Close Kin Mark Recapture framework @ Dalhousie University, Department of Biology

Grad Student
4 September 2024
Support is available for a PhD position in the Ruzzante lab (https://ruzzante.ca) at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) for research on genomics and the estimation of population abundance in an exploited marine fish using the “Close Kin Mark Recapture” framework. The successful candidate will have a background in population genomics and statistics with demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications, strong lab and field skills, and an interest in working collaboratively within a diverse research group. The position is part of a multidisciplinary project and will involve collaboration with colleagues in the Department of Statistics at Dalhousie, as well as at...

MSc Position in Litzgus Lab: Social behaviour of Painted Turtles during nesting

Grad Student
4 September 2024
Many oviparous reptiles nest in aggregations and with temporal synchrony, suggesting a fitness benefit to these aggregations. We found that Painted Turtles (PATU) in Algonquin Park preferred to nest in groups and that nest clustering is related to females cueing on conspecifics. This may reduce time on land exposed to predators and other hazards. Alternatively, there may be a genetic component to clustered nests. This MSc project will examine whether social information from dominant females guides PATU nesting decisions, to answer the question: Do population matriarchs lead the way to the best nest sites? Using nesting observations and genetic data,...

Ecological Statistician – Ducks Unlimited Canada

Other positions
31 August 2024
Position Details: Full-time, Permanent, Existing Vacancy Salary: $81,300 - $101,600, based on a 35-hour work week. (Salary for this position will be commensurate with each individual’s education and/or experience as it relates to the position). Location: Oak Hammock Marsh, near Stonewall, MB with the flexibility of a hybrid schedule. Closing Deadline: September 19, 2024 (11:59PM EDT) Who We Are As one of Canada’s largest and most respected environmental non-profit organizations, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is a leader in habitat conservation. DUC is a science-based organization, and we are looking for an Ecological Statistician to join our science team, the Institute...

Future Coastal Ecosystem Scenarios Postdoctoral Position

30 August 2024
Project Context and Goals: Solutions are urgently needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit further planetary warming. Meeting Canada’s GHG emissions-reductions targets requires an accounting of all mitigation options, including Canada’s ocean carbon sinks. In coastal oceans, blue carbon ecosystems (salt marshes, seagrass meadows, kelp forests) sequester carbon from the atmosphere and ocean and store it in biomass and sediments. Uncertainty about ocean carbon reservoirs has hindered inclusion of these resources in Canada’s climate solutions portfolio, and prevented local jurisdictions from considering these benefits in decision-making processes. The primary goal of our collaborative Blue Carbon Canada research program, which...

Funded PhD Position: Global Change and Coral Reef Resilience

Grad Student
27 August 2024
The Baum Lab at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) seeks to recruit a highly motivated PhD student to join our Kiritimati (Christmas Island) coral team and undertake fundamental research investigating coral reef resilience to climate change and local anthropogenic stressors. Research Context and Focus: Climate change-amplified marine heatwaves pose a direct threat to the long-term persistence of the world’s coral reefs, heightening the need for research that illuminates the factors underpinning the resilience of these ecosystems. At the same time, most reefs are impacted to some degree by local anthropogenic disturbance, but little research examines how global and...

Graduate Opportunity (MSc/PhD), University of Northern British Columbia: Understanding the Impacts and Uncertainty of a Future Climate for Caribou and Moose

Grad Student
26 August 2024
GRADUATE POSITION Woodland caribou and moose are experiencing unprecedented declines and threats across much of their North American range. Despite intensive and expensive efforts to monitor and conserve/manage these species, we know very little about the risks of future climate change. We are looking for an MSc or PhD student who is willing to work with experts to identify and rank the effects of climate change for boreal caribou, mountain caribou, and moose. We will develop a structured process for encoding the knowledge of professional experts that meets the basic requirements of rigour: formal definition of expert; clear explanation and...

PDF Position - Modeling the Survival of Outmigrating Pacific Salmon Smolts

19 August 2024
The Freshwater Fish Ecology Laboratory (ffishlab.ca) at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF, psf.ca), and the British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF) are recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) to develop and apply a model to analyze detection data of outmigrating Chinook salmon smolts. The PDF will refine an existing integrated model to estimate freshwater residence and survival in a Bayesian framework; then apply the model to existing PIT telemetry data sets from four populations (5,000-10,000 individuals tagged per population) of Vancouver Island Chinook salmon collected over 5-10 years. The goals of the analyses conducted by...

MSc and PhD positions in global change ecology at the University of Guelph (Tess Grainger's lab)

Grad Student
18 August 2024
The Grainger Lab at the University of Guelph is recruiting one MSc student and one PhD student to start fall 2025. We study the effects of climate change, habitat fragmentation and invasive species on coexistence and eco-evolutionary dynamics. We use lab and field experiments with plants and insects to test theory and answer fundamental questions in ecology and evolutionary biology. Students will be given the freedom and support to develop their own research questions within these themes. Visit www.tessgrainger.ca/research for more information. How to apply: Due to funding, this opportunity is restricted to Canadian citizens or permanent residents. If you’re...

Graduate Student Position - Butterfly Genomics

Grad Student
18 August 2024
We are recruiting a fully-funded MSc or PhD student to study the genomics of climate adaptation in the Glanville fritillary butterfly – a model species in ecology and evolutionary biology. The student will take advantage of hundreds of re-sequenced whole genomes sampled from across the butterfly’s European range. Depending on student interest, these data will be combined with climate and long-term butterfly monitoring to understand how genetic diversity is partitioned across environments, identify genomic variants underlying local adaptation to climate, reconstruct demographic history, and test for associations between genetic variation and population trends. Students will have the flexibility to adapt...

Canada’s Liber Ero Fellowship Program – 2025 Call for Applications

18 August 2024
We are delighted to announce a call for post-doctoral applications for the Liber Ero Fellowship Program. The Liber Ero Fellowship Program supports post-doctoral fellows who address pressing conservation challenges of relevance to Canada. The Program offers two-year fellowships and aims to develop the next generation of conservation scientists, trained in the latest methods and in the skills necessary to affect policy and improve conservation of Canada’s wild places and natural resources. The Liber Ero Fellowship is open to candidates from any country whose research furthers conservation goals within Canada. Fellows must be hosted at a Canadian institution, with mentorship teams...

Poste de PhD ou MSc en écologie végétale et changements globaux dans le laboratoire de Mark Vellend

Grad Student
10 August 2024
Université de Sherbrooke Je suis à la recherche d’un étudiant ou une étudiante pour commencer un doctorat ou une maîtrise dans mon laboratoire, la date de début étant flexible. L’étudiant.e développera son propre projet sur des aspects des réponses des plantes aux changements environnementaux, en s’appuyant sur les études précédentes du laboratoire sur la phénologie des plantes, les limites des aires de répartition, les interactions avec d’autres espèces (ex. herbivores et pollinisateurs) et l’écologie des communautés. En plus de la collecte de nouvelles données, l’étudiant.e aura l’occasion de s’appuyer sur des bases de données existant sur notre site de recherche...

PhD studentship/postdoctoral fellowship: University of Saskatchewan

Grad Student, Post-docs
10 August 2024
Comparing measures of waterfowl reproductive success for conservation planning Description: A PhD studentship or postdoctoral fellowship is available with Dr. Mitch Weegman in the Department of Biology at the University of Saskatchewan (https://www.ducks.ca/our-work/science/saskatchewan-endowed-chair/), co-supervised by Dr. Matt Dyson (Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research, Ducks Unlimited Canada), in collaboration with Dr. Jim Devries (Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research, Ducks Unlimited Canada). We are hoping to compare measures of waterfowl reproductive success at the local and population scales to determine representativeness of data sets relative to other parameters commonly estimated to manage North American waterfowl populations. We anticipate the PhD...

PhD or MSc position in plant ecology and global change in Mark Vellend’s lab

Grad Student
10 August 2024
Université de Sherbrooke I am looking for a Ph.D. or M.Sc. student to begin their degree in my lab, with a flexible start date. The student will develop their own project on some aspect(s) of plant responses to environmental change, building on previous studies in the lab on plant phenology, elevational range limits, interactions with other species (e.g., herbivores, pollinators), and community ecology. In addition to new data collection, the student will have opportunities to draw on existing data sets from Mont Mégantic, Québec, along an elevational gradient. These datasets characterize plant community composition and species distributions, species’ functional traits,...

PhD studentship: University of Saskatchewan

Grad Student
10 August 2024
Quantifying the cost of migration across a life history gradient in birds Description: A PhD studentship is available with Dr. Mitch Weegman in the Department of Biology at the University of Saskatchewan (https://www.ducks.ca/our-work/science/saskatchewan-endowed-chair/). The student will use state-of-the-art tracking devices deployed on thousands of ducks, geese and shorebirds in Europe and North America to test long-standing hypotheses about the cost of bird migration. Our project goals are to quantify the extent to which features of migration, including reverse migration and long-distance movements, explain variation in subsequent survival and reproductive success in ducks, geese and shorebirds. We anticipate the PhD student...

Assistant Professor in Freshwater Ecological Sciences

8 August 2024
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.Position Description The Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences (Faculty of Forestry, Vancouver Campus, The University of British Columbia - UBC) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Freshwater Ecological Sciences at the Assistant Professor level, to commence on July 1, 2025 or when a suitable candidate is found. The Vancouver Campus of UBC is located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam). Freshwater ecosystems are under considerable threat and impact by humans as a result of climate change, pollution, habitat fragmentation, resource extraction,...


4 August 2024
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Simon Fraser University The Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) at Simon Fraser University invites applications, from Canadian and international researchers, for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor for the Thelma Finlayson Chair in Biological Control. This Chair is funded through a substantial endowment from the late Professor Thelma Finlayson (Order of Canada). We invite applications from outstanding, early-career scientists from a broad range of disciplines related to biological control or pest management, including but not limited to applied insect biology, plant-insect interactions, invasion biology, and plant or...

Lake Champlain Post-Doc in Fish and Fisheries Ecology – Request for Proposals

31 July 2024
We are seeking proposals from early career researchers (completed PhD or soon to be completed) who wish to develop and address their own basic or applied research questions on fish ecology and/or fisheries on Lake Champlain. Lake Champlain harbors a diverse aquatic fauna and comprises five regions varying in trophic state, lake morphometry, and food-web communities. As such, Lake Champlain has a natural, experimental gradient on which to ask questions about fisheries, physical and chemical habitat, and food-web structure and function, and address how systems may respond to multiple stressors (e.g., climate change, invasive species, land use) and fisheries management...


Grad Student
28 July 2024
Dr. Jeremy Kerr is seeking an MSc and PhD student to join his lab at the University of Ottawa. Our group is supportive and inclusive, and potential applicants are encouraged to read about the lab’s values at: https://macroecology.ca/lab-values. Projects: Building on our previous work, we are especially interested in students who will test for impacts of climate and land-use change on biodiversity across spatial scales, ranging from continental to metacommunities in landscapes. We work on pollinator taxa in general and butterflies most commonly, but our macroecological research has included a very wide array of taxonomic groups. We are particularly focused...

Postdoctoral and PhD opportunities - Resilience and diversity of complex biological networks - University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Grad Student, Post-docs
25 July 2024

Postdoctoral and PhD opportunities - Resilience and diversity of complex biological networks - University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Grad Student, Post-docs
25 July 2024
Application Deadline: August 15 2024 The Lefebvre and Kharouba labs are seeking candidates tofill ONE Postdoctoral and ONE PhD (Biology) fully funded positions toexplore how resilience and heterogeneity influences the dynamics of complexbiological networks. These interdisciplinary projects will combinecomputational (e.g., data analysis, modelling, data-informed simulations)and potential field experiment approaches used in ecology and other fieldsto study how diversity contributes to the stability and resilience ofbiological function(s). The overall objective of the projects is to betterunderstand the role played by diversity in the genesis of critical events(e.g., ecological collapse) and identify potential intervention strategies.The successful candidate will join the Lefebvre and...

Offre de doctorat - PhD student position

Grad Student
22 July 2024
Thème de recherche - Research theme Résilience des solutions de contrôle biologique dans le cadre des dérèglements climatiquesResilience of biological control solutions to climate change Starting date - Date de début : 14/10/2024Duration - Durée : 4 years - 4 ans maximumSalary - Salaire : ~2.700€ brut/mWorkload - Taux d’emploi : 100%Location - Localisation : Laboratoire d’écologie des interactions et changements globaux, plaine de Nimy, Université de Mons, 7000 Mons, Belgium Thesis supervisor - promoteur de thèseKévin TOUGERON Description de l'offre - Offer descriptionL'Université de Mons (Belgique) recrute un(e) candidat(e) au doctorat dans le cadre du projet européen Interreg FWVL...

Biology - Assistant Professor (Avian Ecology)

22 July 2024
Trent University - Peterborough campus Location: OntarioDate posted: 2024-07-16Advertised until: 2024-09-14 Trent University invites applications for a tenure track position in the field of Avian Ecology, in the Department of Biology. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will commence July 1, 2025. This position will be located at the Trent Peterborough campus and is subject to budgetary approval. A completed Ph.D. and relevant research experience are required, with teaching experience considered an asset. The successful candidate is expected to have a demonstrated research record and the potential to secure external funding. We seek an individual...


20 July 2024
Étude des effets des perturbations indirectes sur les espèces végétales afin d’appuyer la loi sur les espèces menacées ou vulnérables du Québec Résumé. La protection des espèces floristiques en situation précaire est encadrée par la Loi sur les espèces menacées ou vulnérables (LEMV), entrée en vigueur en 1989. La Loi prévoit, à l’article 16, un régime d’interdictions pour assurer la protection des spécimens d’espèces floristiques désignées menacées ou vulnérables (EFLMV). Le gouvernement du Québec, par l’entremise de la Direction des espèces floristiques menacées ou vulnérables (DEFLMV), cherche à documenter les impacts sur les EFLMV des perturbations anthropiques indirectes, c’est-à-dire réalisées...

Post-doctoral researcher in aquatic ecology

13 July 2024
A postdoctoral position is available to understand the effects of forest watershed stand age and equivalent clearcut area on stream ecosystems throughout Vancouver Island. This research seeks to integrate an ongoing aquatic dataset, including physical (discharge, substrate, canopy cover), chemical (nutrients and dissolved organic carbon), and biological (periphyton, macroinvertebrate, fish) data for which two years of data have been collected, and landscape scale characteristics (determined from landowner information and/or remote sensing). In this role, the candidate will have an opportunity to conduct applied research relevant to forest management decisions. The successful candidate will perform quantitative analyses to evaluate the effects...

EEB Postdoctoral Fellowship

28 February 2024
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the St. George campus of the University of Toronto invites applications for a Departmental Postdoctoral Fellowship. Area of Research: Ecology and/or Evolution Description of duties: We encourage applications from highly motivated postdoctoral fellows with broad interests in ecology and evolutionary biology. The Fellow may collaborate with a single or multiple advisors on research in ecology and evolution. To facilitate interactions within the department, the Fellow will co-organize a seminar series in the first year and organize a workshop on a topic related to the Fellow’s interest for graduate students, postdocs and faculty...