Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Pacific Post-Doc Job Hiring (unofficial notification)
DFO Pacific is looking to hire a post-doc for a funded project entitled: Histological identification of skipped spawning in Sablefish, Yelloweye Rockfish, and Haddock, and subsequent influence on reference points
This project is in collaboration with DFO Maritimes Region, but will be based at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC (on Vancouver Island). The ideal start date is September 2025, however, the start date is largely determined by the DFO HR hiring process.
Job Location: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC; Stock Assessment and Research Division/Groundfish Section
Project Duration: September 2025 (ideal but tentative) – March 31, 2028
Project Summary: The objective of this project is to validate the macroscopic maturity estimates obtained in the field for three case study groundfish stocks (Sablefish, Outside Yelloweye Rockfish, and Eastern Georges Bank Haddock) using microscopic evaluations of histological preparations of ovary samples. Macroscopic classification of relatively old fish as immature and the prevalence of skipped spawning (a fish not reproducing each year after reaching sexual maturation) has been observed in these groundfish stocks and/or other stocks of these species. Maturity estimates are key inputs in stock assessments and are used to estimate spawning stock biomass and biological reference points. The prevalence of skipped spawning will be identified in the three case study stocks using samples collected from DFO surveys at different times throughout the year. Given the time and financial resources to estimate the prevalence of skipped spawning, methods of predicting the prevalence based on indicators of energy stores (condition, liver size) will be evaluated. The relationship between spawning stock biomass and total egg production (accounting for skipped spawning) will be evaluated to assess the influence of this relationship on stock assessments and the estimation of biological reference points used to provide annual catch advice and estimate stock status.
Job Tasks:
- Participate on at-sea fisheries surveys conducted on a Coast Guard Fisheries Research Vessel to perform biological sampling of fish. Duration at-sea would be 1-2 weeks at a time, approximately 2-3 times over the project duration
- Preparation of tissue samples for histological identification of oocyte development and associated reproductive characteristics
- Use of microscope and associated software for identification of oocyte development and gonad anatomical features, quantitative measurement of anatomical structures, and other image analysis tasks
- Perform statistical data analyses
- Work with collaborators to develop modified maturity ogives and evaluate their effect on reference points
- Draft manuscripts for publishing findings in the scientific literature
The ideal candidate will have:
- A background in fish biology or fisheries (bonus points for fish reproduction and maturity)
- Experience or interest in fisheries stock assessment
- Experience using histological methods and associated microscopy for image analysis
- Comfortable conducting biological sampling at-sea onboard a fisheries research vessel, which can include challenging conditions and long work days
- Proficiency with R to conduct statistical analyses
- Ability to work in a team, including in fast paced, difficult conditions
- Strong communication skills
- Ability to learn and work independently
Strong candidates do not need to be well-versed in histology or stock assessment, but will need to be comfortable learning and working independently.
Interested candidates should ensure they have applied the NRCan Post-Doc Inventory here:
Postdoctoral Research Program - Natural Resources Canada
They should also send a CV and a brief description of their relevant experience (no need to send anything polished) to the project PI:
Matthew Siegle ( This is to ensure Matt can keep track of interested individuals as the hiring process unfolds.