en fr


Jeannette Whitton

President (2022–2024), University of British Columbia

Julia Baum

Vice-President (2022-2024), University of Victoria

Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde

Secretary (2017-2024), Laurentian University

Megan Frederickson

Treasurer (2022-2025), University of Toronto

Emilie Champagne

Councillor (2021-2024), Direction de la recherche forestiere (Quebec)

Eric Vander Wal

Councillor (2021-2024) Memorial University

Anne Bruneau

Councillor (2022-2025), Université de Montréal

Emily Austen

Councillor (2022-2025), Mount Allison University

Victoria Glynn

Student/Post-doc councillor (2022-2024), McGill University

Colin Garroway

Councillor (2023-2026) University of Manitoba

Joey Berhardt

Councillor (2023-2026) University of Guelph

Mathilde Salamon

Postdoc Councillor (2023-2025) Université du Quebec a Montreal