Stoichiometric landscapes and biodiversity in macrophyte beds - PhD project (Fall 2024 at the latest)

The Canada Research Chair in Cross-Ecosystem Linkages (CREE) is looking to recruit a Phd student for a project focusing on the study of the spatial distribution of nutrients in the aquatic meadows of the St. Lawrence River. The spatial distribution of nutrients is the result of the interaction between passive abiotic flows and active biotic transport. Emerging spatial patterns are expected to exert a significant influence on the structure and functioning of biological communities. Here we aim to use the macrophyte beds of the St. Lawrence as landscape units to study the spatial distribution of stoichiometric elements. We will, among other things, i) model the distribution of elements between different macrophyte beds, ii) relate these models to the abiotic and biotic factors measured (e.g. the movement of organisms) to eventually iii) evaluate the potential of this approach for monitoring anthropogenic impacts, particularly in the context of the development of a port terminal. This project is co-directed by Dr. Andrea Bertolo (UQTR), who has extensive experience with aquatic meadows.

CREE research: The ecosystems that make up a landscape are connected via the exchange of resources (e.g. leaf litter, dissolved carbon, trophic transfers) which can greatly contribute to the functioning and trophic dynamics of each ecosystem. Generally speaking, CREE research focuses on exchanges among the different ecosystems or habitats that make up a landscape (aquatic-terrestrial and terrestrial-terrestrial). We therefore embrace a vision of the landscape as a set of dynamic ecosystems which interact with each other in such a way as to generate patterns of biodiversity and functioning which are specific to the configuration of the different elements of the landscape.

The long-term objective of the CREE research program is to develop a better understanding of the dynamics of connectivity between ecosystems in the landscape, so as to be able to predict the effects of human transformations on the distribution of biodiversity and functioning at the landscape scale.

Working conditions: scholarships of $21,000 (3 years). Funding is also available to participate in conferences and training activities. CREE is a member of GRIL, CSBQ and RIVE.

Work environment: The student will be based at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

To apply: Interested candidates can contact directly to indicate their interest by attaching a CV and a short cover letter. The files will be evaluated until we find our new crew member!