Professor in ecology (2 jobs)

No 06948 Posting period: 17 April to 3 September 2024, 5PM

The Université de Sherbrooke is seeking applications for two faculty positions in ecology. These are regular full-time positions in the Biology Department in the Faculty of Science.

One position will be in plant ecology and the other in animal ecology. Preference will be given to candidates whose research focuses on the interactions of plants or animals with other organisms and their effects on ecosystems. In addition, preference will be given to candidates with a substantial publication record, teaching experience, and the ability to conduct original research. Candidates seeking to develop long-term field research are encouraged to apply. Selected candidates will contribute to CRÉUS, the UdeS Ecology Research Centre.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion

The Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) values equity, diversity, equality, and inclusion in employment within its community and invites all qualified individuals to apply, particularly women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, Indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Quebec Act respecting equal access to employment in public institutions. Screening and assessment tools can be adapted according to the needs of persons with disabilities who request them, in complete confidentiality. The Université de Sherbrooke also encourages people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to apply. Priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents. Learn more about equity, diversity and inclusion at UdeS.

Principal tasks

  • Teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Develop fundamental and/or applied research activities.
  • Supervise graduate students.
  • Participate in university life.
  • Contribute to the broader scientific community.


  • A Ph.D. degree and relevant post-doctoral experience, as evidenced by an excellent publication record.
  • Ability to establish an independent, externally funded research program.
  • Strong interest in and aptitude for teaching, pedagogy, research, development, and innovation.
  • Demonstrated ability to supervise graduate students.
  • A record of publication in internationally peer-reviewed journals, attesting to excellence in research.
  • Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain good interpersonal relations, collaborations, and teamwork.
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities, initiative, and ability to communicate and interact effectively and harmoniously with various internal and external partners.
  • Ability to comply with the requirements of responsible research conduct.
  • Ability to teach in French or to attain this ability rapidly. An institutional learning assistance program is available to all faculty members wishing to learn French.

Work conditions

  • The working conditions are governed by the collective agreement in force.
  • Regular, full-time, tenure-track position.
  • Anticipated start date: January 2025

Application process

  • The deadline for submitting applications is 3 September 2024 at 5:00 pm (EST).
  • Review of applications will begin on 4 September 2024 and will continue until positions are filled.
  • You can apply electronically by clicking “Postuler” on this site.
  • Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and a two-page summary of how their current research program would be developed at the Université de Sherbrooke.
  • In addition, candidates should also arrange to have three letters of reference e-mailed directly by referees who are qualified to support their candidacy. These documents should be sent to the address below:

Madame la Doyenne
Faculté des sciences
Offre d’emploi no 06948
Université de Sherbrooke
2500, boulevard de l’Université
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1
Courriel :