Student awards and grants | CSEE: Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
CSEE offers the following bursary and student awards each year:
1. Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Travel Awards
2. Undergraduate Travel Bursary
3. Conference Presentation Awards
4. CSEE Excellence in Doctoral Research Award
Details of each are below!
Early bird registration for the annual meeting.
Award Description
CSEE administers graduate student and postdoctoral travel awards to help offset costs associated with attending our yearly conference. The award amount is subject to the availability of funds, with typically 20 graduate students and 5 postdoctoral awards allocated.
How to Apply
To apply, just click the appropriate box during the registration process. You must apply before the end of the early registration. To be eligible, you must be a CSEE member and must be presenting your own work (poster or talk).
Winners are chosen by lottery and will be notified via email prior to the conference. The notification email will contain further information on how to receive the award.
Applications are due by the close of Early Bird Registration for the Annual Meeting. See the conference website (link available under “Meetings and Workshops” tab) for details.
Bursary Description
The CSEE Undergraduate Travel Bursary is offered to reduce barriers for earliest-career scientists who wish to attend a conference, present a poster or give a talk, gain experience, and begin networking with other researchers. As undergraduate presenters, we support applicants whose projects are in progress, in addition to recently completed projects. Projects in progress may be in their early stages. For example, you may have a conceived project idea, some hypotheses, predictions, and methods.
Ten (10) bursaries, up to $1,000 each, are available to assist undergraduates in covering the cost of attending the conference. For example, funds may support travel, accommodation, and/or registration. Funds will be dispersed after the conference, on presentation of eligible receipts, to a maximum value of $1,000. The CSEE Awards Committee can provide resources to help students navigate the conference process as needed.
Applicants must be:
1) current undergraduate students at a Canadian institution OR have graduated within the past eight months
2) willing to present a poster or talk at the conference.
Application materials
Candidates must apply directly. Established researchers are welcome to encourage students to apply, but to show their consent, students must submit their own application materials. Completed application packages must contain:
1. A completed CSEE Undergraduate Travel Bursary form. This form includes identifying information, a short summary of your project (what you plan to present), and a short description of why attending the conference is meaningful for you personally and/or professionally.
2. An email from a project supervisor/mentor indicating that they are aware of your application. The acknowledgement can simply state that the supervisor is supportive and aware of your application.
Submitting your application
All materials must be emailed by the deadline to Please use the following filename convention for your application form: lastname_firstinitial_CSEE_UTBawardYear (e.g., Smith_J_CSEE_UTBaward2099). The letter of support should be submitted directly from your project supervisor/mentor to the same email address as above ( and should have the same format as the application with “_Letter” added to the end (e.g., Smith_J_CSEE_UTBaward2099_Letter.pdf).
Applicants will be notified of outcomes within 6 weeks of application closing.
Early bird registration for the annual meeting.
Award Description
CSEE administers a Student Award Competition for the best talks and posters at the annual meeting each year. Prizes are typically $500, $300 and $200 are awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each presentation type.
How to Apply
To apply, just click the appropriate box during the registration process. You must apply before the end of the early registration.
Applications for the Excellence in Doctoral Research Award open annually on November 30th and are due on February 1st (or the next business day).
Award Description
The CSEE Excellence in Doctoral Research Award showcases excellent Ph.D. student research in ecology and evolution from society members. These awards seek to recognize the high quality of work being conducted by student members of CSEE, while also seeking to celebrate the diversity of applicants themselves, research topics, regions, and institution type/size. The selection committee will consider applications through the lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Five awardees will receive a $600 award and an invitation to present their doctoral research during the Graduate Student Award Symposium at the annual CSEE meeting. In addition, awardees are eligible to receive up to $1,200 allowance to assist with travel and participation in the annual CSEE meeting. For example, childcare services are considered an eligible expense for the allowance.
Applicants must be:
1) registered in a PhD program within the year of application
2) in an advanced stage of their dissertation (i.e., final two years), and
3) a member of CSEE at the time of application.
Applicants should have advanced to candidacy but should not have completed their degree requirements as of December 31st of the year prior to holding the award (individuals who completed their degree requirements later than this date should consider applying for the CSEE Early Career Award instead). There are no citizenship or residency requirements for this award. Candidates must adhere to the CSEE Code of Ethics. Applicants from previous years who were not selected for the award, but still meet the eligibility criteria, are encouraged to re-apply.
Application materials
Established researchers may encourage doctoral students to apply but, in the interest of consent, nominees/applicants must submit their own application materials.
Applications must contain the following supporting materials in the stated order:
1. A completed Applicant Awards Declaration Form (Doctoral Award version), including a section on special circumstances*
*Special circumstances (300 words maximum): Students can describe any special circumstances that may have affected their research or overall productivity. This is an opportunity to explain how life events or challenges impacted their academic journey. Examples include, but are not limited to, health issues, family responsibilities or caregiving, parental leave, disabilities, trauma or loss, COVID-19-related challenges, or other significant life disruptions.
Please include information on the duration of disruption, and the impact on workload and specific effects on research.
Additional notes:
- Confidentiality: Please do not include the names or personal details of other individuals.
- Judges will assess the quality of your work during periods unaffected by special circumstances. Time lost or impacted by these events will not penalize your application.
2. Thesis Summary (300 words maximum): A summary of the applicant’s thesis, including how their research advances the state of knowledge in their field.
3. Selected Contributions (1 page maximum): Using separate headings, highlight (i) peer-reviewed paper(s), (ii) oral communications in an academic setting (e.g. conference presentation, poster, speed talks etc), (iii) recognitions/awards given for your research and/or work in ecology and evolution (e.g. travel grants, presentation awards etc), (iv) other accomplishments. The applicant must remove their name from all contributions and replace it with “Applicant”, in bold.
- Peer-reviewed papers include those that are published, in review or revision (include the submission number) and pre-prints (include a DOI).
- Talks and/or posters can include conference talks, invited talks, seminars, and panels.
- Other accomplishments can include any additional accomplishments you would like to highlight (e.g. contributions to broader research projects, collaborations with communities, government, NGOs, or industry, reviewing manuscripts for publication, etc). The selected contributions section should not repeat what is reported in the “Relevant Activities” section, although there may be some overlap.
4. Relevant Activities (300 words maximum): Describe any professional and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your communication and leadership skills, including activities outside of research but related to advancing work in ecology and evolution (e.g. outreach activities, mentorship, volunteering, committee membership, non-peer-reviewed publications, etc) and leadership within your home institution or other research communities (e.g. leading field trips, launching initiatives, contributing to working groups etc)
5. Letter of Reference: One letter of support (1 page maximum) from your PhD advisor or a committee member is required for each applicant. Letters should clearly state that the applicant is close to completion of their thesis, and discuss the novelty and impact of the student’s dissertation research, the applicant’s involvement in activities (e.g. outreach, volunteering, mentorship etc), and the quality and impact of the applicant’s contributions, which extend from simply the number of articles/talks, e.g. interpersonal characteristics, unique challenges faced (e.g. COVID-19) etc. Letters must not contain the name/gender identity of the applicant, but rather non-identifying terms such as “The Applicant”, or similar. For example, “The applicant has been a member of my lab…”.
Submitting your application
Sections 2 through 4 should be submitted as a single pdf file with the filename “lastname_firstinitial_CSEE_PhDaward.pdf”, along with Section 1 (Declaration Form) to (e.g., Smith_J_CSEE_PhDaward.pdf). The letter of support should be submitted directly from the referee to the same email address ( and should have the same format as the application with “_Letter” added to the end (e.g., Smith_J_CSEE_PhDAward_Letter.pdf). All materials are due by the deadline indicated above. We will respond to each email to confirm receipt within one week.
Applicants will be notified of outcomes in April.
Important: The name (first or last) of the applicant must not appear anywhere within the application other than the file names. This anonymization is meant to reduce bias during the evaluation process. Failure to properly anonymize applications could result in disqualification.
Other Important Information
Successful applicants will give a 30-minute talk (23-minute talk and 7-minute question period and transition) at the Graduate Student Award Symposium, and they will not be eligible to present a separate talk during the conference. Awardees can present a separate poster if space is available. Successful applicants must respond to accept the award and confirm their registration within one week of notification. Successful applicants will be ineligible for Student/Post-doc travel awards as they are already eligible for an allowance to assist with travel costs.