President's Award for Excellence in Societal Engagement | CSEE: Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution


This award is offered every second year in even years (e.g. 2022, 2024,  etc.). The opportunity to apply for this award is announced in the Spring of the year it is offered.

Award Description

The President’s Award for Excellence in Societal Engagement is given in even years to an individual in recognition of outstanding contributions to public and/or policy engagement related to ecology or evolutionary biology in Canada. In doing so, we highlight the importance of two of the four objectives of the CSEE, which are ‘to raise public awareness about the importance of ecology and evolution to Canadian society’ and ‘to facilitate communication between members of the Society and decision-makers in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors. Award recipients will be recognized at the annual meeting where they will be invited to give a plenary talk. Awardees will also receive lifetime membership to CSEE.


To be considered eligible, the applicant/nominee must be affiliated with a Canadian university, government body, not-for-profit, or other business. The applicant/nominee does not have to be a Canadian citizen.

Application/Nomination Materials

Nominations for this award may be submitted directly by an applicant or on behalf of an eligible candidate. To apply or nominate, please complete the CSEE President’s Award Nomination Form. This form requires the name, affiliation, and contact information of the applicant/nominee, and a brief (2 page max.) description of the contributions and merit of the applicant/nominee.

Submitting Your Application/Nomination

Completed nomination formsshould be emailed to All materials should be sent with the following filename convention: lastname_firstinitial_CSEE_PresidentSocietalEngagementawardYEAR.pdf.